Flat River Medical, LLC
Nursing Assistant Training Program
Providing excellence in health education to those pursuing a journey in healthcare
State Testing Information
State Testing Information
Flat River Medical hosts the state exam at the Greenville and Paris locations. You can train and test in the same environment!
We also offer 1:1 instructor critique for each student that learned through Flat River Medical.
All State Testing is scheduled by the student at the headmaster website. Flat River Medical no longer schedules student testing. Please see below for links for headmaster information.
State Test Clinical Skills Practice
State Test Clinical Skills Practice
Prepare for your state test with 1:1 instructor critique! Each student is welcome to spend time 1-1 time with our instructors at any time of their convenience, to prepare for the state test. We walk the student through the process, from the first hand washing skill, to the 3 core skills, and indirect care.
It is important that the students who utilize this service, use the time wisely. Please come prepared to this appointment. Prepared means: student has practiced each of the skills multiple times on their own, and is using this time for fine tuning of skills and procedures.
To set up a date with an instructor please either email your instructor directly or FRMedical.testing@gmail.com.